A new feature of the Thistle Farms blog is our
TESTIMONIAL! posts. If you have tried out one of our products, visited the store, seen Thistle Farms featured in any publication or just want to let the world know how much you
love Thistle Farms' products, tell us about it!
Our first TESTIMONIAL! comes from Yasmin in Nashville:
"I just wanted Magdalene House to know that I purchased your lip smoothie recently. I've used several organic lip balms before, but this one is "like butta" on my lips.
I have found that I can use it under my regular lipstick and my lips stay moisturized since most lipsticks tend to dry out my lips.
I love that it's sold in several shops around town where I can run in and get some when I run out. Thanks so much for making such a wonderful product. I love it!"
Thank you, Yasmin!

To purchase our lip smoothie (ingredients including almond oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter and pomegranate flavor oil), go to
If you have a TESTIMONIAL! you'd like to share with us, email carolyn@thistlefarms.org and tell us your story!