and Val and Cynthia.

Jane's daughter, Rickie (also in the photo above) has been volunteering in the Development and Markting department at Magdalene & Thistle Farms.
photos by Julie Cantrell
Gracious and loving God,We give you thanks for this day and for the generous and beautiful gift of this building.
As we begin to make this space our home, help us to remember that this building is more than a structure made of wood and stone;
help us to remember that this building represents a community built on a foundation of faith, hope and love.
may the foundation be one that grounds us in faith.
may these walls provide us with steady and enduring hope.
may all those who enter here proclaim their truth in love and
may our doors be always open to those searching for home.Amen.
Loving God, we beseech you to watch over our coming in and our going out so that all who enter here will be of one heart to
serve and be served
heal and be healed
trust and be trusted
forgive and be forgiven
bless and be blessed
not judge and not be judged
offer mercy and be offered mercy
protect and be protected
love and be loved
Make us ever mindful of your presence.
Help us to embrace the knowledge that we are worthy of your love.
Charge us to create a sanctuary for all who seek shelter and bind us in humility with your grace.