Summertime means a break from school and a chance to travel to faraway lands. We are grateful that two groups from opposite sides of the country incorporated a trip to Nashville - and Thistle Farms - on their journeys!

The first group came from the west coast -- Menlo Park, California -- visited in June. Members of Trinity Church visited our manufacturing facility, some of the Magdalene houses and took a trip to Lewisburg to pick thistles. You can read their recap on their blog HERE.
A couple of weeks later, a group from the east coast -- Mystic, Connecticut -- came to Nashville to assist with flood damage, and spent some unplanned time at Thistle Farms. Members of the Mystic Congregational Church heard stories of hope and had a chance to make thistle paper. You can read their recap on their blog HERE.
We love meeting people from all over the world and look forward to more group trips in the summer and beyond! Contact for more info.
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