In January of 2009, the beloved Arthur House, which has been home to over 50 residents in the past 10 years, had to be torn down - the old wood frame house was no longer structurally sound. Through the gifts of about 15 individuals and organizations, the $94,000 was raised to create a brand new 'green' home for four residents.
At the head of this process is Residential Designer Lynn Taylor. Specializing in revitalizing neighborhoods through historic residential design, Taylor Made Plans, has donated most of their design services and coordinated the design building team who also donated their services. As Taylor Made Plans focuses on preserving the historic character of neighborhoods while adapting the homes to meet modern living needs, our Arthur home will be well suited to both the neighborhood, as well as to the needs of our residents.
When we asked Lynn what compelled her to help Magdalene in this remarkable way, she commented, "Creating energy efficient homes that are both functional and affordable are features that Taylor Made Plans are known for. When we received the invitation to be a part of the Magdalene House project, we were truly excited; I'd like to thank Shonna Sexton Studio, Curtis Borntrager, our contractor and Jeff Middlebrooks at E3 Innovate who takes care of our energy efficiency audits to ensure that we have achieved our goal of an energy efficient home."
We will be breaking ground on the Arthur House in the coming month. Look for an update in early 2010.